Saturday, January 10, 2009

Reduced Budgets in Youth Ministry

Well, the financial situation in our country has, and will continue to, put a strain on many youth ministry budgets. I work at a large nondenominational church and this year we have significantly reduced the whole church budget in an effort to be good stewards in a year where giving will most likely be down. I'm anticipating some changes in our ministry programming that could be a good thing. It certainly will cause us to focus on the things that matter most. Instead of new projectors or big inflatable parties, we will have to have more low cost relational events. Creativity will become essential as we will not spend as much on "canned" curriculums. Right now I'm wondering just how spoiled I've gotten over the last few years. And better yet, how much have we spoiled our students? Is it possible to do more with less? It sounds noble and all but I believe this will be a year that stretches youth workers to depend on Jesus, will not allow us to hide behind big, costly events, and will certainly allow us to model fiscal responsibility before our students. Money can be a powerful tool in impacting lives for Christ. But, without times like these we can often become lazy, knowing that we can make something look better than it is by spending some extra cash. I pray that this would be a year for all of us increase our dependence on God to provide all that we need - not what money can buy!

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