Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Multi-racial Youth Ministry

One thing that I rarely ever see in the emergence Christianity discussions is a post-racial church. I see post-evangelical, post-denominational, post-everything else, but I don't often see anything about post-racial. As our American culture becomes more and more diverse, I'm hoping for a church that starts to reflect the incredible variety of God's human creation. I'm as excited as the next person about the coming changes in our Christian culture. We're taking on big theological issues, social justice issues, yet we still have black church, white church, hispanic church, asian church, etc... Why does Sunday morning continue to be one of the most segregated times in America? Shouldn't that be a time when brothers and sisters of all kinds and colors get together? What a powerful statement it would be for the world to see a united body of Christ, living and loving together. I have to believe that this is what Jesus would want. Any thoughts?


  1. Powerfull and true. Our Church is right on the outskirts of Newark NJ and so the we have been blessed with a multi-cultural Youth Ministry and in NJ we have created a youth pastor Coalition of different Churches in NJ, to host Youth events. Here is a video for our close out event for the year: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=NxkdU5RUhAk&feature=channel
    We also do a weekend camp trip and that is awesome, to see all of the young people worshipping GOD there own way. There have been challenges however because all of the leaders are united the kids start to follow suit. We have to do many things to accomodate this atmosphere, Different types of worship music, at out Saturday night Camp, we had a Christian Rapper, A Contemporary Rock Band, and then a worship team. However we 365 kids unite together for HIS purpose.

  2. Sorry the link I sent is not correct the link to Generation Holy Video is

