Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Death of Attractional Youth Ministry

I'm literally praying for the day when Youth Ministry as we know it today will end. I know, you're probably saying that this is all I talk about. You're right. It's in my heart and soul. I know not every youth ministry in the world has to go down this journey. But I do believe that a few well respected ministries should serve as a model for the rest and start to tear down the walls of attractional youth ministry.

We all do it! We all like the pats and cheers of pulling off an event where large numbers of kids show up. It certainly gives the perception that the ministry is doing the "right" things. Can we be effective at both nurturing the souls of our students and pulling off big time, attractional ministry gatherings? What are we accomplishing by piling in students by the drove? I'm not going down that road anymore.

So come with me down a different road. If you're doing things differently, and I mean really differently, then please respond. Let's get a dialogue going about what youth ministry can look like outside of cool lights, videos, and crazy relay games. If you're having great success with an attractional youth ministry, than bless you. I want to know what truly missional youth ministry looks like.


  1. hooray! you speak my language.
    i've gona astray from trying to be attractional, and started focusing more on spiritual depth. we've been doing a lot with our ministry in the contemplative tradition, as well as just focusing kids into small groups. i canceled a few of our regular meetings and starting march 1st we will only have small groups and a once a week service, that is student led. we try to be hip in that service, but not flashy. my numbers suck! and that's ok, we're changing lives. i wrote a few thoughts on it...
    p.s. i follow you on twitter!

  2. Thanks for the reply. Man, what do we have to do to get some dialogue flowing about this stuff. We too are trying to stay "hip", but relevant. Except I believe that relevant is different today than it was 10 years ago. Relevant today is much more authentic and communal. There will always be a place for attractional ministry. Each summer we go to Big Stuf Camps and it is awesome. We are just trying to get away from the "ra, ra" approach all the time. As far as numbers go, we have declined as well. We measure success now by transformation. Again thanks for the reply.

  3. all i can say is keep leading by example and hopefully others will see the fruit. i think, though, that a more real approach is what people really yearn for instead of being attracted to something big. unfortunately, there's a lot out there to attract, and then leave students spiritually dry. I'd just like to see more youth pastors, and senior pastors get a chance to see that there is another way, rather than just bringing in the numbers, but blogs like yours are a step in the right direction!
