Thursday, February 26, 2009

Honestly, Where have all the students gone?

What is it about youth ministers that cause them to be so concerned about the size of their groups? How's your group doing with numbers - is it in a season of growth? Or, is it going through a transitional season? Youth Ministry is no different than "Big Church". Youth groups go through regular periods of decline and growth.

Here are some important questions:

Why do you want a big youth group?

Why do you prefer a small youth group?

Have you ever felt jealousy towards another youth group or youth pastor? Why do you care?

If you have a ton of students, are you really discipling all of them?

If you have a small group, do you blame it on church budget, size, culture, etc?

I have some answers and thoughts, but I thought it would be cool to throw this out there and see if there is a response first.

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